Agreement between Student and University Storage
I, (herein “Student”), hereby acknowledge and agree to the following, as a condition of employment from University Storage Services LLC, hereafter called “University Storage”:
1. My involvement and/or participation in accepting, receiving, returning and delivering storage through personal vehicle, company transportation, or on foot are voluntary, and I am acting under my own free will.
2. There is a risk of danger, bodily harm, injury, damages to personal property, emotional stress, or death as a result of my participation in this role. The risks arise from activities in the kitchen, handling of delivery bags, operations of company transportation (electric cart), use of personal vehicle, vandalism to personal property, and collisions with pedestrians or drivers. Student acknowledges that potential risks are not limited to this list.
3. There is the potential for risks and dangers that may not be obvious or reasonably foreseeable at this time.
4. I do not have any medical ailments, physical limitations, or mental disabilities that will affect my ability to participate in delivering orders through personal vehicle, company transportation, or on foot.
5. University Storage undertakes no direct legal or financial responsibility for my personal safety or well being when I am participating in delivering orders through personal vehicle, company transportation, or on foot.
6. A. I assume the risks, including, but not limited to, those outlined in Section 2 & 3 of this agreement.
7. (a) I forever release University Storage from any and all claims and causes of action that I or my representatives now have or may have in the future for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to me, arising out of participation in delivering orders through personal vehicle, company transportation, or on foot. (b) If I use a personal vehicle, this includes insurance, mileage, gas, damages to personal property, damages to others, and any potential claims or actions not limited to this list.
8. I am 100% liable for all medical expenses incurred as a result of any injury or property damage during my participation in delivering orders through personal vehicle, company transportation, or on foot.
9. In the event that any one or more of the provisions of this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law according to the jurisdiction of the state of California, the remaining portions will not be invalidated, and shall remain in full force and effect.
10. This is a legally binding contract, but it is not meant to pronounce any claims or defenses that are legally prohibited.
I attest that I have read and understand this document, and agree to all the provisions listed above.